A Fast & Optimized Website has several factors which needs to be implemented in order to achieve the desired results. There are several Optimization Techniques available which will definitely affect your Website’s Performance in a Positive Way & we want to share a few of them with you:

01) gZip Compression & Browser Caching

This is probably one of the Most Important Techniques you should definitely implement in order to bump up your Website’s Loading Speed. gZip Compression is used to compress the Files that are delivered when loading a Website. It covers HTML, CSS, Javascript & Font Files along with other miscellaneous text files. Where as Browser Caching also covers Images & Videos apart from including the above files. This is used to saves the Static Data in your Browser itself so that when you open the Next Pages on the Same Website, the content does not gets Downloaded again, loading the Website fast.

gZip Compression & Browser Caching can be enabled using the .htaccess File on an Apache Web Server. You can use the Codes from here: https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/dist/.htaccess to enable these modules on your server.

02) Image Compression & Optimization

We tend to use Lots of Images on our Websites but we often do not make efforts to Compress & Optimize them. Remember, the Larger the Image, the more time it takes to download and therefore this slows your website loading times affecting User Experience. Your customer will leave your website if it does not load within 3-5 Seconds which adversely affects your Sales. Therefore, it is important to Resize, Optimize & Compress your Images before using it on your Website. Here are some Tips which might come handy in optimizing images:

  • Resize your Images: Resize your Images before using it on your Website. Do not just Download an Image & place it as it is in your Website’s <img> Tag without resizing it. The size/resolution of the Image matters since it is not recommended to use an Image size of 1200px x 800px in a Content Size of 300px x 200px as this is unnecessary. Resize it to 300px x 200px
  • Image Formats: There are three common file types that are used for web images which are JPEG, GIF, & PNG. For images with a Flat Background use JPEG images, for images with a Transparent background use PNG images and for images with Animations use GIF images.
  • Compressing Images: Images Compression is important as it considerably reduces the size without losing the quality. There are several FREE Image Optimization Tools available to Download.
    For MAC use ImageOptim
    For Windows use Riot for compressing JPEG Images & PNG Gauntlet for PNG Images.

03) CSS & jQuery Minifications

It is also recommended that you Combine & Minify all your CSS Files to a single CSS File & all Javascript Files to a single JS File since Minification reduces the size of the File and Combining the files helps in reducing the number of HTTP requests made to the server. This is also an Important Factor in increasing the speed of your website. There are several tools available online to Minify your CSS & JS Files. Our recommendations are:
For CSS use CSS Minifier and For Javascript use Javascript Minifier.

04) Content Delivery Network

You can use a CDN to further speed up your website. You can use the CDN to deliver static files of your website like CSS, JS, Images & Font Files. There are several CDN Hosting Providers available on the Internet but we would recommend MaxCDN or CloudFlare

Note: CDN setup requires Extra monthly Fees to setup, so it is completely optional & according to your needs. Cloudflare also has a Free plan, you can try that for free.

05) Fast Web Hosting Servers

A lot depends on your Web Hosting Servers, so it is recommended that you choose a Hosting Company/Server that provides a Reliable & a Fast Hosting Service. You can also choose our shared hosting plans.